Shunya, and our latest production, The Adventures of Hanuman, will be featured on the Asian Connection segment on Fox local 26 news on Saturday morning, 8/4/12, between 5 and 8 am. Watch to hear about the production!
Author: Sanjay
Hanuman opens today!
Singing rehearsal!
Preparing for live music
Flying Monkeys!
“Look up! Is that a bird? No, it’s a plane! No, it’s a flying monkey!”
It’s not just any flying monkey, it’s Hanuman!
Come see flying monkeys, and Hanuman, the king of the monkeys! Come see a very talented local band of children dance, act and sing their hearts out as they enact the classic story of Prince Rama, Princess Sita and Demon Ravana, from the viewpoint of Lord Hanuman.
Not familiar with this fabled story? It’s quite alright. You will enjoy Aditi Kapil’s retelling, penned as “The Adventures of Hanuman: King of the Monkeys,” a children’s musical, replete with dancing animals, swinging monkeys and the Prince Rama and Princess Sita!
Bring family and friends and buy your tickets @
Hanuman with live music!
Preparing for music during rehearsal. We will have musicians playing live onstage.
Rehearsing Hanuman!
These kids are fantastic! Tickets on sale now at
Rehearsal on stage!
Looking for Arya Jha!
The Shunya voicemail box received a message from Arya Jha, but no way of contacting her back. If you know Arya, please ask her to drop us a line at Sanjay at
Congratulations Shunya Contest winner Ashish!
Congratulations to Ashish Jain, who wins our contest for free tickets to “The Adventures of Hanuman!”