Vijay Padaki will attend opening night of “The Prophet and the Poet”

Playwright, actor, director and educator Vijay Padaki of Banglore Little Theatre will be attending Shunya’s opening night production of his play The Prophet and the Poet. The performance will be followed by a short talk back. It is certain to be a thought provoking evening; get your tickets today at!

Reading, Reading, Reading

We have two events coming up in the near future:

First, tomorrow, April 16 at 4pm we have an informal play reading at Midtown Art Center. We generally try to meet monthly to read new plays and have a discussion. If you are interested in learning more about Shunya or possibly volunteering with us, this is a great place to meet us.

Second, NEXT Saturday, April 23, 2011 we have a more formal staged reading with associated lecture. You can read about it on our homepage and buy tickets there. Hope to see you there!

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